
C.S. Osborne No. 65 – Shoe Hammer (65-O) on Sale


C.S. Osborne No. 65 – Shoe Hammer (65-O)

The popular standard type Shoe Hammer. Forged steel.

Highly polished head. Indispensable in leatherwork.

Most useful for making sharp folds, adhering cemented parts together, tapping over hand stitches, lacing, welts, etc

Osborne No. Diameter of face (inches) Length of head (inches) Length of handle (inches) Weight each (oz) UPC No.
65 1-1/4 5-5/8 9-1/2 14 56124

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C.S. Osborne No. 65 - Shoe Hammer  (65-O)
C.S. Osborne No. 65 - Shoe Hammer  (65-O)